Welcome to Corel Bryce 5. This document contains important information about installing and using this application. Please review the system requirements and installation instructions.
2. Important Information About Network Rendering----------------
Bryce 5 and Bryce Lightning are intended to be used on a local area network, with appropriate internet security measures in place (such as a firewall). Making network rendering services available to the internet is done so wholly at the risk of the user.
3. System Requirements -----------------------------------------
Power Macintosh(R)
Mac(R) OS 8.6 or Later
64MB RAM (128MB RAM Recommended)
Mac OS X (Released)
Power Macintosh(R) G3 or G4
Mac(R) OS X
100MB free hard drive space for installation
16 or 24-bit graphics color depth
CD-ROM drive
*** Note: Bryce 5 will not function installed on a UNIX partition under Mac OS X.***
1. Double-click the "Bryce 5 Installer" icon to install Bryce 5
2. When the splash screen appears, click "Continue".
3. Read the Software License Agreement, then click the "Accept" button to continue.
4. Click "Continue" after reading the Readme.
5. Select the install type and location, and click the "Install" button to continue.
6. Enter Name and Product Serial Number, click "OK".
7. Click "Continue" to automatically quit all other running applications.
8. Register Bryce using the Corel Product Registration wizard.
9. When the installer has finished, click the "Restart" button.
1. Double click the setup.exe icon.
2. Read the welcome screen, then click the "Next" button to continue.
3. Read the Software License Agreement. To continue accept the terms of the license agreement. Then click the "Next" button.
4. Enter your name and serial number on the Product Registration page, click the "Next" button to continue.
5. Select the install type, click "Next" to continue.
6. Install to the designated folder, or choose an alternative location using the Browse button, and then click "Next".
7. Select a shortcut folder, then click "Next".
8. Click the "Install" button to begin installing the Application.
9. Once the installation has completed select the "Finish" button. The system will then restart.
10. To proceed with the Corel Product Registration click "Next".
5. Known Issues ------------------------------------------------
These are the known issues associated with this release.
* When using the host to render a network rendering job, ensure that the host has stopped rendering (click anywhere in the workspace or press Escape to cancel the host rendering) before entering the Network Render Manager windows.
* If Bryce 5 abnormally terminates while a network render job is running with host rendering enabled, you may have to delete a temporary file to restart Bryce 5. This file is called "NetJobIndex" and exists at the root of your application folder.
* "Flat" DXF format files cannot be imported into Bryce. Many illustration applications can export DXF files, but these are in fact two-dimensional files and cannot be understood by Bryce.
* The FlashPix and Compuserve GIF bitmap file formats are no longer supported.
* The Bryce online Help system requires that Java be enabled in your Web browser, or Help functionality may be impaired. Computers with newly installed Microsoft Windows 98 operating systems typically have Java disabled in their Web browser. Please consult the appropriate Help documentation included with the operating system to enable this. Your system must also have istalled the latest update for the Microsoft Virtual Machine ( Microsoft VM ) installed. This is easily done from IE using the menu item Help/Product Updates. The Microsoft Virtual Machine ( Microsoft VM ) is what you need to be able to see and interact with Java Applets.
* Mac OS systems (OS 8.6, OS 9.x, and OS X) operating as clients or as hosts while rendering scenes will disregard Energy Saver settings (for both hard disk spin-down and monitor sleep) to prevent renders from being interrupted by the machine going into 'sleep' mode.
* When rendering an animation that is over-writing an existing file, ensure that the previous file is closed or there may be problems completing or viewing the rendered animation. When Bryce completes an animation, it launches the appropriate helper application (for example, Media Player on Windows and QuickTime Player on Mac OS) and this file should be closed before starting to re-render the animation.
* The Tree Lab is capable of creating beautiful but complex shapes, and may make considerable demands on system memory and processing, resulting in a time-consuming process. This may give the appearance that Bryce has crashed. It is important to understand that the control sliders that produce the variations in the tree shapes cumulatively multiply the density of the tree exponentially. The Escape key can sometimes be used to abort the computation of a complex tree shape.
* In the Sky Lab, the Sun & Moon panel allows you to enable or disable Sun/Moon Shadows. ***This is a global setting and will enable and disable shadows for your entire Bryce scene. ***
* You may experience difficulties setting up and managing network rendering if you are using more than one network interface card (NIC) on the host computer.
* The Print to file menu item does not function.
* When painting lower elevations in the terrain bitmap panel in the Terrain Editor, the top line of pixels may remain white, creating a ridge or wall in the terrain. Use of Spikes and Relief Noise may result in similar behaviour. The workaround is to use the Crop Tool to remove the unwanted pixels.
* Application or file icons may appear as generic icons on the desktop under Windows NT.
* Trees and metaballs cannot be intersected with other objects for the purposes of Boolean rendering.
* Bryce 5 will not function installed on a UNIX partition under Mac OS X.
* On Mac OS X, animation files may be damaged when they are created to a network location. The workaround is to save the files locally, and then copy them to the network destination.
* On Mac OS X, object bounding box and tools may not be visible when using the OpenGL display option.
* On Mac OS X, the PICT selection available in the Save Image As... dialog box may crash Bryce when the Low Quality JPEG Compression option is used.
* On Mac OS X, rendering an animation as a PICT sequence may produce files that are unreadable by a Windows platform application. The workaround is to open and save a new file on the Macintosh computer before transferring these files to another operating system.
* On Mac OS X, the file dialog boxes default to the root level of your system when saving.
* On Mac OS X, to use the online Help, you must launch your Web browser first.
* If a network render job appears to stop processing before completion, there may have been a network communication error that has stalled the network render process. To fix this, complete the following steps:
i. From the Network Render Manager, select the job and click on the Pause button.
ii. Quit Bryce 5 (the host).
iii. Restart Bryce 5.
iv. Open the Network Render Manager window.
v. Select the paused job, and click Run.
The job should complete after network render integrity checking is completed.
6. Contact and Support Information -----------------------------
Please go to http://www.corel.com/support/index.html for support information.
7. Copyright and Trademark Information --------------------------
Copyright (c) 2001 Corel Corporation and Corel Corporation Limited. All rights reserved.
This software is the property of Corel Corporation and Corel Corporation Limited and is copyrighted. Any reproduction in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.
Corel and Bryce are trademarks or registered trademarks of Corel Corporation or Corel Corporation Limited in Canada, the United States and/or other countries.
QuickTime is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.
All other brand and product names, fonts, and company names and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.